When I found out my buddy Sam gave his six-year-old kid a BB gun for his anniversary, I went nuts.
Who in their right mind would supply a six-year-old boy something that is so potentially dangerous? Although the kid didn’t hurt himself, he shot a few holes in my siding. I took pictures of the damaged siding plus showed it to the boy’s father. Sam insisted his kid couldn’t do such a thing. I showed Sam a picture of the kid pointing the BB gun at our home plus our cat. Sam told me he would spend money for the disfigurement if I could prove his kid did it, however he didn’t know the pictures were proof. I called the police, plus they came over to investigate. They found a lot of BBs inside some holes, where they got stuck in the insulation. There were more BBs on the ground, plus the vet dug a few out of our animal plus the cat. I took a handful of BBs, the police report, the vet bill, plus the repair estimate to have the siding redone, over to the neighbor’s house. I gave Sam the evidence plus told him it was up to him to refute the evidence. Sam didn’t know how I could prove the BBs came from his son’s gun until the kid came flying out of his study room. The punk took one look at the animal plus me, plus ran back into his room. I thought that was enough proof to have Sam spend money for the repair to the siding plus to spend money on the vet bill. If Sam didn’t know it was enough, I would take him to small claims court.