I believe my friend and I have some wood for the fireplace plus can find more in the woods, if not my friend and I can use the central boiler to stay warm however it does cost a lot to run the thing plus I am not even sure if it is running well or not

This week is a big morning of writing for me plus I am going to challenge myself to knock out 16 articles before the end of the morning. My friend and I are going on a roadtrip in a few mornings plus I want to get these articles done before my friend and I leave so I can have a couple of mornings off, and i am going to go to the mountains with my friends for a few mornings of rest plus also to talk with some clubs to see if my friend and I can do shows there. I also need to talk to my bandmate plus do air conditioner maintenance with him, as he is a certified HVAC tech plus my friend and I have some work to do up there on the cabin’s system. I don’t plan on working a lot up there although I want to get the system running so my friend and I can stay warm, as it is still May plus the weather there can be bitterly cold now. I believe my friend and I have some wood for the fireplace plus can find more in the woods, if not my friend and I can use the central boiler to stay warm however it does cost a lot to run the thing plus I am not even sure if it is running well or not. I guess when my friend and I get up there my friend and I can test run the thing to see what kind of heat it is putting out, if any. My buddy has been working on heating plus cooling systems for a long time plus I am confident my friend and I can get the thing working in no time flat.
new hvac equipment

By Steve