We are entering summer in five or six days and it is going to really get packed here in town soon.

July and August are just swamped with people here in town and it gets a bit hectic, but the winters are so dark and empty that you welcome this chaos.

When September comes all of the tourists jet out of here in a blink and it suddenly becomes really quiet again, which is a bit eerie because it can happen overnight. I like the winters because I get to relax and enjoy some downtime with my lady. My gas heater is getting a break now that it is heating up so much and we won’t be running the HVAC systems’ heating for another six months. I am still just using my fan to keep me cool when I work in my office but I think in another two weeks I will need more help from the cooling system. I’m trying to keep my cooling bills down but there is going to come a point where we need some air conditioning and I will get that smart thermostat going and doing its job. I have my little fan on me right now as I work and I also have another one for my bedroom to keep me cool at night while I sleep. I have a mini split a/c system in my bedroom too but the fan gives the cooling unit a little bit of a boost. I think the power bills will be manageable though with the two of us living here.


air conditioning installation

By Steve