Well, if this winter season is any sort of example, my pal Ed and I are in for a windfall of saving on a/c this Summer.
Ed and I live in the south however not far enough south that Ed and I don’t need a little help from the heat pump in the Winter.
I always start each winter season out with heating repairs from the local Heating as well as Air Conditioning professionals at the Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation. But this year, I didn’t have time to do that. Ed and I already replaced the residential Heating as well as Air Conditioning in our home early last fall. The current Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment is actually something. Ed and I opted to go with some of the best heating as well as cooling equipment available. And I’m ecstatic Ed and I opted for the higher SEER rating. A SEER rating is truly the measure of efficiency on the heat pump. The old heater had a SEER rating of 10. The current heat pump has a SEER rating that is 22. So I figured that we’d be saving a nice bit on utility costs when it came to the heating as well as cooling of our home. But I was amazed by the heating costs this Winter. Again, Ed and I don’t have near the heating demand of those folks further north who are using gas heaters as well as boilers to keep warm. So Ed and I need some heating here for sure. And I just paid more than 30 percent less for heating this winter season than the previous one with the old heat pump. But really, the best Heating as well as Air Conditioning cost, by far, is the a/c that Ed and I need during the Summer months. The hot as well as humid climate can be overwhelming without a/c. And it looks like I’m in for some big-time savings thanks to upgraded Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment.