I thought I’d found someone to develop a website for my HVAC business who was an expert.
They promised me a professional HVAC website that would attract clients.
I didn’t know if it attracted clients, because I wasn’t aware if anyone ever looked at the website, but there was no way for them to get in touch. I wasn’t happy with the website and how ineffective it was. I was happy I hadn’t paid him as much as he originally asked for, because I would be suing him. Still I needed an excellent website for my HVAC business. Just simple wasn’t going to do. Before I left his office, I made sure he took the website down and closed the account he had for it. I wrote one last check that said final payment, and walked out of his office. Less than a week later, my wifey was contacting an online advertising business one of her fellow teachers advocated. Apparently, they talked about my poorly done website more than once. His daughter ran an online advertising dealer, and they had a HVAC expert on their roster. She could develop and maintain a website that would make even the most fastidious of business owners salivate. I was tickled by how she described the website I’d have created for the HVAC business. When she spoke like that, I knew why she was an English professor. I wasn’t sure after what the other web developer did, however all I could do was wait and see. When the HVAC website was running, I knew her kid hadn’t stretched the truth. The HVAC website was everything and more than I ever imagined it would be.