Because of the storm, they were forced to relocate to a current chalet on the last day of their trip
My neighbor is on a ski trip & is staying in a really neat chalet in the mountains. In the region where the chalet is located, she is experiencing a winter time storm & they are really having to adjust to the unexpected storm. Originally, the plan was for them to ski all day for the 3 afternoons they had there. After one day of skiing in the cold winter time climate, they decided that they may only want to do 2 afternoons of skiing & stay inside with the furnace on the last day. Well, their plans were tainted when the winter time storm picked up speed unexpectedly & knocked out the electricity in their chalet. They have a wood burning fireplace to keep them warm, however that’s not always enough. They began to worry after the daylight went down & they were still out of electricity. If you’ve ever been in a winter time storm you know that they are no joke. Most of the time, people are snowed in & have to stay indoors for afternoons at a time. Without a heater, they would be exposed to chilly uneven temperatures & might not be able to stay in the house. They had cell cellphones so they decided that it was time to call for help. They were able to stay moderate with the wood burning fireplace. Their trip wasn’t completely ruined. Because of the storm, they were forced to relocate to a current chalet on the last day of their trip. The current chalet was an replace & even had a overheated tub.