I think I could try a portable air conditioner, but, again, there is no room in the family room.
I particularly like to cook, i’ll spend hours making a recipe from scratch. The concern is, it gets particularly tepid in my modern family room in our modern house, especially in the winter with the central boiler going, however as much as I like to cook, I don’t like to sweat unless I am getting paid, so, I turn the thermostat on the central boiler down when I am cooking, however someone in the dwelling inevitably turns it back up again. Really, is it so hard to just put on a sweatshirt and socks? Especially when I am slaving over a gourmet dinner that everyone will enjoy. There is no room in the family room for a fan, unless I get my husband to install a ceiling fan, however who puts a ceiling fan in the family room? The family room is just too small and the window isn’t big enough for a fan. I’ve even considered putting an air conditioner in the window, but, of course, one wouldn’t fit either. I think I could try a portable air conditioner, but, again, there is no room in the family room. The family room is sizzling in the Summer too, however it gets especially tepid in the winter with the central boiler going. I’ve decided to just start opening the window when I am cooking during the winter. I don’t know if it makes the central boiler kick in more, but, at this point, I don’t care. I just don’t like being tepid and if they want to continue to care about their gourmet dinners, I need to cool off the family room.
commercial air conditioning system