When I was a kid, my mom would force my dad to load us all up in the station wagon and visit his aunt. This was a lady that my dad just really didn’t enjoy visiting. I think it’s because she could kind of see through my dad’s act. He was a pretty tough talking man who had little time or energy for other points of view. So we’d get loaded up in that station wagon for the nearly two hour drive without any air conditioning to see my great aunt. My mom was the most compassionate person and I was really close to her. Both she and my dad died far too young. I stayed in the area when my brothers left for jobs and school. My great aunt was someone who I continued to see and someone who really helped me be the woman I am today. She was fiercely independent and made her way in the world without any help from a man. My great aunt was a professional and owned her home. She was so proud of having central air conditioning. I remember that distinctly. Still, it was an utter shock that when she died, she left me everything. That meant the house and the 10 acres it sat on were all mine along with the rest of her estate. This worked out pretty perfectly for me as I chose a field that isn’t high paying. With my savings and funds from the estate, I was able to renovate this awesome house. The central air conditioning wasn’t up to it any longer. So I chose to go with a ductless multi split system. Essentially, I get all my quality heating and air from a series of ductless heat pumps. It’s just the best.