I opened the a/c vent above my bed so it was facing in my direction.

When I spend a lot of time in the sun, I get actually tired. When I get a sunburn, I get cranky. Last weekend when I went to the beach, I was in the sunshine all afternoon long plus I got a sunburn. I was really tired plus cranky plus all I wanted to do was go cabin plus take a long nap. Someone parked behind my vehicle plus the parking lot plus I could not move my vehicle. I found a security officer on the beach, despite the fact that he could not do anything except call a tow truck corporation. The owner of the vehicle arrived before the tow truck corporation. I yelled plus screamed plus told the guy that he was an insensitive jerk. He just smiled plus drove away. When I finally got into the car, I realized that I left my marijuana vape pen on the front seat. The oil from the pen leaked all over plus there was a sticky mess on my brand new seat cover. I was aggravated plus aggravated plus the 40 minute drive back to my cabin did not help. When I got home, I turned the a/c thermostat down to 72°. I opened the a/c vent above my bed so it was facing in my direction. I also turned on the ceiling fan and put it on high. I laid on the bed for at least an hour plus I finally fell asleep. I was legitimately cool then freezing when I finally woke up a few hours later. It was 72° in the cabin plus I was chilled.

More info here

By Steve